Hello, my name is Somroob Robkob but everybody calls me Ing.
I started as a taxi driver more than 15 years ago, driving customers from and to Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok.
I have 2 offices, one in Bangkok and one in Surin, in the northeast of Thailand.
Bangkok but I can bring you anywhere you want, from a short transfer up to a few days trip.
As I started to have more and more requests, I decided to create my driver’s team. I have known them all for a very long time, we are all good friends and we all have been taxi or private drivers for so many years.
We can pick you up from anywhere in Bangkok or Surin and drive you wherever you want in Thailand
In our Team, we are using Toyota Innova cars and Toyota vans which are regularly checked and cleaned.
With the Innova, we can transport a maximum of 4 adults with basic luggage. If you have a young child we can also provide a kid’s seat, you just need to mention it during your booking, as well as his age to be sure to have the right seat.
For small groups, up to 9 adults, we have private vans. If you want to have lots of space and feel comfortable, it’s the best solution to travel in peace, even if you are alone or travelling as a couple, you can also book it. You will get the same services as in our cars but it will be more spacious.
All our vehicles are clean and most of them offer free Wi-Fi, free bottles of mineral water and air conditioning. In some vans, you can also have an LCD display with a karaoke sound system.
If you absolutely want to have onboard Wi-Fi, please ask it when you will book your trip.
We can pick you up from any place in Bangkok, at any time, and bring you wherever you want inside our Kingdom.
Our main goal is to drive safely and to make our customers happy. Do not worry, we will take care of you.
If you want to discover the city of Bangkok or any other place, we can organise tour trips at your convenience. We have to plan it in advance and see what you like and what you would like to see. Have a look at our main page to explore the different trips and visits we are proposing. They can all be customised as you wish.
You are welcome to contact me if you have any questions or if you need more information. I will reply to you as soon as possible.